I was fearing the worst as I entered the interview room, but thank God, the questions they asked were somewhat easy. I managed to answer them correctly, and they only asked two questions! I was wondering if there was something wrong, why they didn't ask more questions. Did I answer something wrong?
As I left the room, and met Kavya outside, and she asked me about the interview. I just shrugged and said, "I don't know, let's see..." I didn't want to jinx it by saying anything more.
After bidding bye to Kavya, I headed home, my mind racing with thoughts of the interview. Would they select me for the internship? The uncertainty was killing me, and I couldn't wait to hear back from them.
I was reading a story on my phone when I received a Gmail notification. I quickly opened the email and checkd it, my eyes widening with joy.
"Yes! I've been selected for the internship!" I exclaimed, pumping my fist in the air. "Thank you, God! Thank you! I'll give you a Dairy Milk chocolate, just like I promised!"
Just then, my phone rang. It was Kavya.
"Hey, Prajakta! Guess what?" Kavya's voice was bursting with excitement.
"What?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"I got selected too! We both got the internship!" Kavya squealed.
I screamed with delight, dropping my phone on the bed. "Yessss! We did it, Kavya!
Kavya laughed. "I know, right? I'm so happy! We have to celebrate!"
"Definitely!" I agreed.
"Ok bye mom is calling me "she said
"Bye "i said and cut the call
I couldn't wait to share the news with my parents. I had kept the internship a secret until now, during the dinner i told them
"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you," I said, barely containing my excitement.
They looked at me curiously, and I took a deep breath. "I got selected for an internship at khurana industries! It's a top company, and people dream of getting a job there!"
Their faces lit up with joy, and they exchanged a proud glance. "We're so happy for you, Prajakta!" my mom exclaimed, giving me a tight hug.
My dad beamed with happiness and said "congratulations beta"
I grinned, feeling happy and relieved. "Thanks, Mom and Dad"
One week flew by in a whirlwind of project meetings, late nights, and endless cups of coffee. I was completely absorbed in the project,
Today's the day! I finally joined the company as an intern,I woke up early, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. Today was my first day at the company.I got out of bed and began my morning routine then I get ready for the office. applying lip balm and sunscreen moisturizer to protect my skin from the day ahead. I then put on my short kurti and jeans, and tied my hair back in a ponytail.
As I headed downstairs for breakfast, I could hear the TV blaring in the living room. Papa was already watching the news, and Mummy came out of the kitchen with a warm smile and a tray of steaming hot idlis and sambar.
"Good morning papa mumma" i said
Good morning beta they replied in unison
"Congratulations, ! Your first day and All the best!" Papa said,
Mummy placed the tray in front of me
I took a bite of the idli, feeling a bit nervous. " Thanks .I'm a bit scared"
"Don't worry, dear. You'll do great. Just be confident and work hard."Mumma replied.
I finished my breakfast, feeling a bit better. As I got up to leave, Mummy handed me a small tiffin box. "Here, take this with you." I smiled and hugged her. "Thanks, Mummy. I'll be fine."
As I walked out of the house, I couldn't help but talk to myself. "Okay, Prajakta. You got this. Just be confident and don't mess up."
I hailed a cab and got in, feeling a bit more anxious. I pulled out my phone and dialed Kavya's number.
"Hey, Kavya! Where are you? I'm already on my way to the office."
"I'm running a bit late, but I'll meet you there soon. Don't worry, I'll be there before our orientation program starts," Kavya replied.
"Okay, cool. bye. ....See you soon! "
I cut the call and continued talking to myself, trying to calm my nerves. "Okay, Prajakta. You're going to be fine. Just breathe and focus. You got this."
Prajakta's POV:
As I reached the office building, I couldn't help but stare in awe. It was huge! I looked around, taking in the sleek glass and steel structure that seemed to touch the sky.
I closed my eyes and prayed to God, "Please, let everything go well today. I don't want to mess up." I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, feeling a bit more confident.
Then I took a deep breath and went inside. The office was even more beautiful than I thought. I was struck by its grandeur. The lobby was spacious and beautifully designed, with gleaming marble floors and a high ceiling. Everyone around me was dressed so well, and perfect makeup. I felt out of place with my appearance.
I adjusted my dress and the strap of my bag, "Huh, you can do it, Prajakta! Go for it!"
I approached the receptionist, who was a stunning woman in her mid-twenties. She had long, curly hair and sparkling green eyes that seemed to sparkle as she smiled. Her skin was flawless,a She looked like a model.But when she looked up at me, her expression changed. She raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips, like she was judging me or something.
"Excuse me," I said, trying to sound confident. "I'm Prajakta Sharma, I'm new intern here.
The receptionist's expression didn't change, she checked something in computer and she nodded curtly and handed me my ID card.'Yes, miss Prajakta. Welcome ! Take the elevator to the 14th floor, and someone will assist you there..
I nodded and made my way to the elevator, feeling a bit nervous. As I stepped inside, I couldn't help but think, "What if I make a mistake? What if I don't fit in?"
The elevator doors closed, and I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I was in this now, and I had to make the most of it.
I made my way to the HR department, where I met my supervisor, She showed me to my desk and introduced me to the team. Everyone was friendly and welcoming, and I felt at ease right away.
After a brief orientation, she assigned us to our first task. I was to assist the marketing team with a project, and I couldn't wait to dive in. I spent the morning researching .
After a few seconds, the elevator stopped on the 14th floor and the doors opened. I stepped out into a sleek, modern hallway, lined with glass-walled offices and conference rooms. I looked around, trying to get my bearings.
"Hi Prajakta, welcome to the team! I'm Ruchi, your supervisor."
She showed me to my desk, which was nestled in a cozy corner of the office. I was relieved to see that it was already set up with a computer
Just then, a friendly voice called out, "Prajakta! Over here!"
I turned to see Kavya, my friend and fellow intern, waving at me from across the hall. She was standing outside a glass-walled office, with a warm smile on her face.
"Make yourself at home, Prajakta," she said with a smile. "I'll come by later to show you around and introduce you to the rest of the team."
Just as I was starting to feel a bit more settled, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Prajakta! Hey, girl!"
I turned to see Kavya walking towards me, a big smile on her face. "Kavya!"
We hugged each other tightly, excitement and nerves buzzing in the air. We had made it! We were finally starting our internship !
Ruchi smiled at our reunion. "I see you two know each other. Well, Kavya, you can sit at the desk next to Prajakta. I'll come by later to show you both around and get you started on your projects."
Abhimaan's POV:
"I want to meet them. Arrange a meeting in the conference room in 15 minutes," I instructed my secretary, my eyes fixed on the file in front of me. Truth be told, I only wanted to see one of them - Prajakta.
As I walked into the conference room, I saw them all sitting there, looking nervous and eager., I scanned the room, my gaze settling on Prajakta. She looked beautiful her big brown eyes sparkling She looked nervous, fidgeting with her hands. I liked that.
"Welcome, interns," I said, my tone firm. , i hope you all know me,I'm Abhimaan khurana And let me tell you, I don't tolerate any nonsense. You're all here to work, not to waste my time or company resources.
"If you can't keep up, then maybe this isn't the place for you. I don't coddle or babysit. You're expected to deliver results, and if you don't, you're out. It's that simple.
"Don't even think about coming to me with your problems. I'm not your therapist or your friend. I'm your boss, and I expect nothing but excellence.
your head of department will be keeping a close eye on your performance. They'll be submitting regular reports to me, and if you're not meeting expectations, you'll be hearing from me. And trust me, you don't want that.
this is a top-tier company. We don't settle for mediocrity. You're either a winner or a loser. So, choose which one you want to be. Because if you're not willing to put in the work, then maybe you're not the right fit for this team."
"If you don't take your job seriously I can replace any of you at any moment. There are plenty of talented people out there who would kill to work for a company like ours. So, either step up your game or step out. It's your choice. But remember, I'm always watching, and I won't hesitate to make changes if needed."
"I hope you guys understand what's expected of you. All the best! Ruchi will guide you through the process and ensure you have everything you need to succeed. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to her" am i clear ??
Yes sir they say in unison
I smiled to myself as she walked away, the file clutched tightly in her hand. She had no idea what is coming on her way
Prajakta's POV:
"I felt a shiver run down my spine as Mr khurana addressed us, his stern expression making me nervous. 'Remember, interns, I don't tolerate any mistakes. You're here to learn and work, not to make excuses. If you can't keep up, then maybe this isn't the place for you.'
"I swallowed hard, trying to appear confident, but inside, I was terrified. What if I made a mistake?i pushed the thoughts aside .....
As we left the conference room, Ruchi handed us our tasks. I settled into my seat, ready to focus on my work.
"Kavya, oh my god, did you see him?" Taniya whispered, He's so hot! I can't take my eyes off him."
Kavya giggled. "Taniya, focus you have work to do"
Taniya continued, undeterred. "I know, right? I couldn't even listen to what he was saying during the meeting. I was too busy drooling. And can you imagine, Kavya, if we got together? Our chemistry would be off the charts! I'm telling you, I'm going to make him mine."
"Remember!! We have deadlines to meet."kavya said
Taniya winked. "Don't worry, I can multitask. Work and flirting, no problem!"
I shook my head, smiling.And worked on my presentations and charts, I became so engrossed that I forgot it was already 5'o'clock. I missed lunch and wasn't even hungry anymore. My muscles were screaming for a break, so I took a short stroll to release the tension. Six hours of non-stop work can be brutal!
"Finally, the day was over, and I could head home. I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I packed up my things and said goodbye to my colleagues. But as I w
alked out of the office.....
2072 words!!!!
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