Chapter 19

With warm goodbyes, they parted ways, promising to stay in touch. As they drove away,As they drove home, Abhimaan's mom said, "I hope Prajakta says yes, she's perfect for our Abhimaan." Mr. Khurana, with a confident smile, replied, "They will say yes." His wife looked at him curiously, "How are you so confident?" He chuckled, "Just trust me, I know. You'll see." His Said

As they arrived home, after sometime Sarah walked in, exhausted but excitedly hugged her parents.

Mrs khurana said, hugging her back. "How was your shopping.Tell us all about it. Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Mom! Dad! I had the best day ever!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with d

"We're so glad to hear that, sweetie," her mom said,

Sarah nodded enthusiastically,  "I got the cutest top and the most comfortable shoes... and I had dinner at the food court with Prajakta and Kavya... we had such a blast!"

Her parents listened attentively, smiling at her excitement, happy to see their daughter thriving.Her dad chuckled and said, "Alright, princess, go get some rest. Goodnight." But Sarah's expression suddenly turned stern as she remembered the bodyguards. "Dad, you sent those stupid bodyguards again, didn't you?!" Her dad's smile faltered, and he gave her an awkward grin, trying to diffuse her anger.

his eyes darting away from his daughter's accusatory gaze. "Ah, well, you know, just a precaution, sweetie..." he trailed off, his words hanging in the air like a weak excuse.

As I trudged into my home, exhaustion etched on my face, I was met with the sight of my parents sitting in the living room, they saw me then exchanged a glance, and for a moment, I thought I detected a flicker of something unspoken between them. But, shrugging it off, I made my way towards them, collapsing onto the sofa beside them.

"How was your day,?" my mom asked,

I let out a deep sigh, feeling the weight of my fatigue. "It was good, Mom. I'm just really exhausted. I think I'll head to bed soon."

My dad's brow furrowed slightly. "Beta, eat something first, then sleep. You must be starving."

I shook my head, . "I ate already, Dad. I'm fine, really. Just need some rest."


As I slowly opened my eyes, the early morning light streaming through the window greeted me, and I couldn't help but groan. My body ached from the previous day's shopping spree. But, having slept early, I was surprisingly alert, and the discomfort wasn't enough to keep me in bed.

I tossed off the covers and swung my legs over the side of the bed, wincing as my muscles protested. A warm bath was just what I needed to ease the stiffness, and I headed to the bathroom, the cool tiles a gentle caress on my bare feet. The warm water enveloped me like a soothing embrace, easing the tension from my limbs. Refreshed and revitalized, I emerged from the bathroom, my hair damp and my skin glowing.

As I entered my room, I spotted my mom sitting on my bed, . "You're up early today, " she said

I nodded, running a comb through my tangled locks. "Yeah, I slept early yesterday, that's why ."she nodded and said

"Come downstairs,  "We need to discuss something important with you."

What is it I asked ..

She didn't tell anything just replied"we'll tell you.fir now You Just get ready and come to downstairs"

I glanced at my watch, the digits reading 6:30. Plenty of time before my 9 am office schedule.

What could this be about? I finished combing my hair and followed my mom downstairs, The living room was filled with an air of anticipation,

I walked into the living room, my parents' eyes fixed on me . My dad gestured for me to sit, and I obeyed, my mind wondering what this was about. "When's your office timing today?are you ready" he asked, his tone casual, but his eyes betraying a hint of nervousness.

"Yes, Dad, I'm all set," I replied, my voice steady, but my mind racing with possibilities.

They exchanged glances, and my dad cleared his throat, his voice gentle but firm. "Prajakta, we got a proposal for your marriage."

My breath hitched, and my mind went blank. No, no, no, I thought, my heart racing in protest. "No," I blurted out, my voice shaking.

My mom intervened, her voice soothing. "First, listen to us, beta."

" yesterday evening, Mrs. and Mr. Khurana came to our house with a proposal," my mom began, her voice gentle but serious. "They want Abhimaan, their son, to marry you."

I felt like I'd been punched in the gut, my breath knocked out of me. Abhimaan? Marriage? No, no, no. I couldn't even process the thought.

"They came with a proposal, beta," my mom continued, her eyes filled with a mix of understanding and persuasion. "They're a good family, Prajakta, and they're willing to support you in everything."

But I wasn't listening. My mind was racing with protests, my heart screaming no. I didn't want to marry Abhimaan, or anyone else for that matter. I Marriage was the last thing on my mind. Marriage??? Noooo ... How can i....

But I couldn't bear to hear more.Why were they doing this to me? I didn't want to get married, not now, not ever. I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I looked at my parents, my voice shaking. "I don't want to marry now, Dad. I want to focus on my studies, my career."

My dad's expression softened, and he placed a gentle hand on my head. "Okay, beta, it's okay. We told them the same thing - that the decision is yours. They're willing to support you in everything, but ultimately, it's your choice."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "I don't want to marry now," I repeated, my voice firmer this time.

My dad nodded, his eyes filled with understanding. "Okay, beta. We respect your decision. Don't cry.. are you mad .. we are not marrying you off rn. "

I was sniffing"Thank you "i said

Can I go to my room?"I asked

My parents nodded, their faces etched with concern.

I locked the door behind me, and the dam burst. Tears streamed down my face, my body shaking with sobs. How can I marry ? Some past  Memories flashed through my mind, making my heart race and my breath catch. No, no, no. I couldn't do this.

I wiped my tears harshly, trying to compose myself. I had to be strong. I took deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly, trying to calm the storm within. Calm down prajakta!!calm down!it was not your fault!!!

But my mind refused to quiet down. Why did this always happen to me? Why did God keep putting me in such situations?

I glanced at my watch, and my heart sank. 8:15. I had to go to office. Face Abhimaan. I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. But I had no choice. I had to go.

I forced myself to stand up, to move towards the washroom. I splashed water on my face, trying to erase the traces of tears. I took a few more deep breaths, trying to steel myself for the day ahead. I had to face this, face him. I had to be strong.


Abhimaan's POV

My mom called me in the morning, her voice urgent. "Abhimaan, come to our house. We need to talk to you about something important."

I arrived at their house,

As I entered the living room, my mom dropped a bombshell. "We went to Prajakta's house yesterday with  proposal."

I was shocked. They hadn't told me anything about this! "What did they say?" I asked

"They'll give their answer today," my mom replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

We were eating breakfast when my mom's phone rang

"Prajakta's mom is on the phone," she said, her voice measured.

I leaned in,

"Hii Mrs Sharma, good morning," my mom said,

I watched as my mom's expression changed, her smile faltering. "I understand," she said, her voice softening.

My mom's face fell, but she quickly composed herself. "It's okay, We respect her decision. She's like a daughter to me, and we value our relationship with your family. We don't want this to affect our bond."after talking for sometime

My mom ended the call, and my dad and I asked in unison, "What happened?"

My mom's expression was somber. "Prajakta is not ready for marriage right now."

How could she say no to me?  Not ready for marriage? Not ready for me?I my eyes darkening with anger. I gripped the glass tightly, my mind racing with indignation. Girls are dying to marry me, and this girl has the audacity to reject me?

I felt a surge of anger, my eyes darkening. I gripped my glass tightly, my knuckles white with tension. How could she do this? Didn't she know how much I wanted this?

The breakfast table was silent, the tension palpable.

I stood up, my chair scraping against the floor. "I need to get out of here," I muttered, not looking back.

As I reached the car, I heard my dad calling out to me. "Abhimaan, wait!" But I wasn't in the mood to talk. "Not now, I'm not in the mood to entertain you,"

"So bad, but you have to listen to me," my dad said,"What will you do now? You remember the deal, right?"

I glared at him, my anger boiling over. "Are you fucking mad? Yes, I remember the deal. Can't you understand I don't want to talk now?" I snapped, my voice rising.

"Cool down, son. I'm not that bad as you're thinking of me". "I'm your father."his voice  softened,

I scoffed, mocking him. "Father, huh? You believe me or not, you can't deny the fact... I know I made some mistakes, I accept it and apologize for it..." His words trailed off as my anger surged.

"A mistake?  A sin,  a fucking you mean!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the air. "And the audacity to say just a sorry... Mom forgave you, but I can't. You understand?" I spat, my eyes blazing with anger.

My dad's face fell, but he continued, his voice soft. "Abhimaan, you are my son, I want your happiness always. If you want to marry Prajakta, I'll get you married to her, that's my promise. If by doing this, I get a little place in your heart or if you'll be a little bit happy, then I'll do it."

I snorted, incredulous. "You think marrying Prajakta will make me happy? You think that's all it takes to fix everything?" I shouted at him

"But if that's what you promised, then do it.keep your words ."







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